Abbington Assisted Living – Makes Life Easier
We value the independence of our residents. At Abbington of Powell Assisted Living Community, residents don’t depend on their children for assistance with daily living and this helps maintain their independence. When families visit, instead of worrying about eating habits, medication, and housekeeping or yard maintenance, the family visits can be relaxing, happy. When our residents host their family or friends are focused on visiting with one another and enjoying one another’s company. That’s what assisted living is all about. Now life can be enjoyed.
While residents’ independence is promoted, they are not alone and assistance is readily available. Our trained staff are available 24 hours a day. Residents can get assistance with any daily activity. Compassionate staff members are there to make life easier.
Abbington really feels like home. Fellow residents become friendly neighbors. Cozy fireplaces and parlors enhance your experience. Your private room has enough space for personal touches. It’s not a hotel or a hospital. The room becomes your own. Pictures and decorations are encouraged. It’s not just a place to live, it’s home.
There are no upcoming events.
Abbington of Powell is an Assisted Living Community near Dublin that has been proudly serving the Powell, Dublin and surrounding communities since 2002. This single-story community consists of 48 residential units situated on scenic wooded grounds. Abbington of Powell boasts abundant common area amenities, beautiful interior courtyards as well as walking paths.
You will experience and appreciate the comfortable, family atmosphere unlike any other assisted living community. Please call Leann Hamon, Executive Director, at (614) 789-9868 (option 3) to schedule a personal tour.
Abbington of Powell is located in Powell, Ohio (Wedgewood area). Abbington of Powell Assisted Living Community near Dublin, is northwest of Columbus, on the corner of Sawmill Road and Bradford Court, approximately 1 mile south of Powell Road and just east of Sawmill Parkway. The surrounding neighborhood primarily consists of single family homes with numerous dining, shopping and recreational establishments nearby.
Powell, OH 43065